
well folks....

Chris and I are expecting a baby next MAY!!! We are going to be people parents, not just doggie parents, and we're totally stoked about it. I'm almost 15 week along (yah 2nd tri!!), for those that are wondering, so we've known for a while. No baby bump to show yet, but once there's any bit of something, I'll snap a pic and show ya'll.

So I have to share this funny story....
Chris was pretty skeptical of this test (even though that is a dark pink test line, if I've ever seen one!), so I actually took three tests. Well, those of you who know Chris won't be surprised by the fact that HE wanted to take one of the tests. My last one was from the Dollar Tree, so only a dollar. And if that's what it takes to proove it to him, fine. Well of course, there was only one line. DUH. So I went about my business, whatever I was doing, and then like, 10-15 minutes later he looked at the test and was like, "Oh my gosh, babe! There are two lines, I am not even kidding!" Sure enough, I look and there was a second line, only it was like, dark gray. I, however, immediately dismissed it as an evaporation line (what the test line turns into if you look at it outside of the correct time frame). I’m not stupid :) Anyway, later that night before we were going to bed, he confessed to me that he drew that line on with a sharpie.

Yes, that is my man and the father to my unborn child. I love him to death. *grin*


  1. oh my GOODNESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Amy, that is SOOO exciting!! I can't believe it!!!! Were you guys surprised???? My sister is totally due in may too...and WOW I just have so many thoughts and questions.

    Congrats. We love you guys. I got chills when I read this and I'm just so excitied...

    all this rambling to say that I miss you. And im so happy to hear this news.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! that story about chris is hilarious. yay for baby davis!!

  3. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Definitely not atrue display of my excitement, yes i just jumped up and down and squealed at the top of my lungs, but this ahhhhhhhhhhh will have to do for now. Funny story: my mom asked me the other day if you were wanting to have a baby soon and I was like "nah she'll probably wait a little longer and just enjoy being married" guess i'm wrong and I LOVE that i am wrong, you're gonna be a mommy yay!!!!

  4. wooooooo!!!!!! :) Sooo excited for you both!

  5. My baby's having a baby!! Oh My!!! :-D
    Love ya'll,
