It's a BOY!!!
Phone pics
Life lately
(as in, like, the last month. because I realize I've become pretty bad at keeping up with this blog. insert sad face here)
via cell phone pictures. :)
Finding out how much fun cassette tape is:
Baby #2 bump several weeks ago. It's definitely grown since this pic!
Also, random sidenote: we find out in TWO weeks if it's a boy or girl! yah!
She loves sticks!
Garden fresh veggies from a dear lady at church:
Family nature walk:
She loves the sling.
And I do too. :)
It's especially handy when little miss wants to be held but mama needs to make dinner!
I can't believe I haven't shared this yet, but last month I made some homemade finger paint and Molly girl made her very first finger painting!
I used this recipe for paint that is edible--NOT in the sense that kids should eat gobs of it, but that if they do, it's not going to harm them. :)
She was a little unsure at first...
Her beautiful masterpiece!
Pom Poms
The other day, we were walking around the Dollar Tree and I saw this little bag of pom poms for, uh, yeah, a dollar. And I thought to myself, Molly girl will love these.
And boy, was I right.
She squealed in excitement. And then played with them for about 45 minutes straight.
No, no. Not for eating!
And no, she did not sit there for the entire 45 minutes.
She eventually learned that she could dump the bowl. :)
Action shot:
Final verdict?
I'd say that was a pretty good use of a dollar. :)
Lately. And I guess you call it Friday Highs.
Friends! Hello! I have truly missed keeping up with the blog. :(
We are in our new place, just without internet for a while.
However, I am happy to indulge in a Dr. Pepper to enjoy McDonalds free wi-fi, providing you lovely people with this update. :)
It's starting to feel a little more like home, but it's definitely different. God must have some reason for us being here. It's hope that I've got to cling to, because to me, nothing about this makes sense. There's plenty to get me "down", so I'm trying very hard to focus on the positives.
Like the killer morning sunlight we get....
And like Molly starting to adjust to her new home.
Like how much my doggy loves this sun.
Like the sweet, sweet smell of incense burning.
And working on a blanket for baby number two.
Like my greatest weakness:
And saving the best for last, my precious, precious baby girl, who I quite literally fall more in love with every day.
Thank you, Lord, for your tremendous blessings. Through the good times and the bad, I will worship You.
On my Heart & SALE!
For once, I was able to wake up this morning and not scour Craigslist and make a zillion phone calls.
We have a place to live. I guess it's not entirely official since we haven't signed the lease, but we go tomorrow to do that.
We have a place to live. I guess it's not entirely official since we haven't signed the lease, but we go tomorrow to do that.
There have been many days and nights of tears, anxiety, desperate prayers, wondering why we are so crazy, feeling lost, confused, scared. I am just so relieved to have a place to go that we can call our own.
I never once doubted that we would have a roof over our head. I knew God would provide and take care of us. But I also knew that sometimes the way He provides doesn't always look the way we would chose. And if I can be honest, knowing that made it pretty difficult to pray.
This may seem strange, but through all of this, I have come to realize just how deep my love for this little girl goes.
This may seem strange, but through all of this, I have come to realize just how deep my love for this little girl goes.
I know she is sensing the changes. Her room being torn apart, boxes everywhere. She's had a few rough nights of sleep--waking up and not being able to get back to sleep on her own. She wants to be held. To be close to me.
In wanting the very best for her, I want her to have stability. I want her home to be a safe place that she can count on to feel loved and protected.
If it were just Chris and I going through all these transitions, (possibly living with other people, moving three times within the next year, living with boxes stacked up to our necks) that would be one thing. But with Molly, everything changes. My stomach literally aches--it twists and turns in so much pain--just thinking about not being able to provide her stability.
I know that in the very end, all that matters is that she is safe, alive, breathing, and has a full belly. I mean, basic needs will be met. But what goes beyond that is just what twists my gut.
I love this little girl with every single fiber of my being. I want nothing but the very, very best for her. It may seem like an oxymoron, but it is a painful love.
There's a little piece of my heart this Thursday afternoon. <3 font="font">
On a different note, I've decided to have a MOVING SALE!
Everything in the shop is 20% off with this code:
So head on over there now and shop your heart out.
(coupon code will be valid through August 6th, 2012)
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