

I know 6am might be a normal wake-up time for some, but for me, it's super early. You see, Molly was the type of baby to sleep in until at least 8 or 8:30. Even if I woke up at 7, that gave me plenty of coffee and Jesus time before she woke up.

But this little guy?

It's 6am. Sometimes 5:30.
Awake and kickin. Kicking my tail, that is. *grin*

For about the past couple of weeks, it has been really frustrating to me. I've woke up grumpy, angry, and reeking of selfishness.

But this morning, I woke up with a fresh perspective that I pray sticks with me.  

This is a phase of life. It will pass.
I hear too often:
The days are long, but the years are short.

And I want to soak this up. I don't want to look back on these years and remember wishing them away because certain moments are difficult. I want to cherish the good moments and let them outweigh the bad. 

Maybe that's easier said than done, but heck, I'll try!


  1. I feel for you! Aiden is finally sleeping through the night and getting up at a reasonable hour. It will get better, hang on!

  2. That last photo is heartmeltingly gorgeous :)

