
Stand fast.

truth. buy this print here.

Sometimes my morning time gets interrupted. Sometimes it's short, quick, and to the point. Other times I am able to take longer to bask in His presence (and sip a little more coffee). 

But the point is that He is here. In the thick of my mothering two young children. In the early mornings. In the sheer exhaustion. He is here. And He is more than enough for me.

I was reminded this morning in my She Reads Truth study (I'm a bit behind) while reading Peter's closing of his first letter: Stand fast in it (referring to God's grace).

Stand fast in His grace, in His mercy, in His abundance of love. Remain in Him, and He will remain in me. 
Apart from HIM, I can do nothing. (here)

So what does this practically look like for me? I'd love to share some of the things that work best for me. (And please know that I am still a work in progress, learning new things each day!) :)

*Morning quiet time. Like I said, long or short--it doesn't matter. Just spending time with Jesus, preparing my heart for the day. 

*Light a candle at the beginning of the day to remind yourself that you are representing the LIGHT OF THE WORLD to those in your household. 

*Put on some music and SING songs of worship! This always directs my heart to Jesus.

*Being grateful. When I'm tempted to complain and grumble about difficulties of my day (or more realistically, that specific moment), I am trying to remember to take a few seconds and look for God's abundant blessings. It's really tough to complain while seeing God's amazingness all around me. :)

*Get outside. A breath of fresh air is SO good for everyone in my household. A must to relieve the afternoon crankies.

*Take a bath. I've never been much of a bath person until recently when I discovered how completely amazing it is to sit still in a a dark bathroom, candles lit, no kids, and just BE. Even if it's for 10 minutes. I've decided that for me, this needs to happen once a week. 

For a few more super ideas for how to stay refreshed and connected to Jesus, please see this post. And be sure to read her story about falling FORWARD. I just love this analogy!


  1. I love these practical tips and the heart behind it all. It's so hard sometimes when I'm overwhelmed with tiredness and so much to do to remain focused and rested in Him. Thank you for sharing :)
