If only I had an unlimited budget....here are some of my faves:

I think this one is my favorite:

above images via anthropologie website. link above.
And now onto Project 31....
Day 9. What virtues do you value in yourself?

kitty = lion. image found via weheartit.com
I am bold. Sometimes this causes me trouble. But to focus on the positive, I will say that being bold helps me stay true to my beliefs. If I believe in something and am passionate about it, I most likely cannot be swayed.
I am determined. A stem off of my boldness. When I set my mind to something, I am going to do it. Most days, you can find me with my planner by my side, keeping a list of items I’d like to accomplish that day. I am determined to make each day count, whether that be checking a million items off my list, or taking a day of rest to rejuvenate my body and mind.

let's have some coffee and talk about life. image found via weheartit.com
I am a good listener. Sit down and talk to me about your life. I’d love to listen. Share your hopes, dreams, struggles, and passions. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so unique--we all have different sets of life skills, life experiences, and personalities that somehow make the world go ‘round.
I am caring. Again, a stem off of my listening skills. I can’t promise that I feel this 100% of the time (we all have our off days), but I genuinely care about people’s lives, situations, thoughts, and feelings. I hope and pray that when you talk to me, you feel cared about!! :)
love the rugs. and i love you even more. i love those qualities about you... of course, i could go on and on with a hundred more reasons of why i love you!