This one is close to reality, thanks to my wonderful friend, Chelsie, who so graciously gave me one of her thrifted ornate frames. I've been dying to get my hands on some chalkboard paint and put one of these pretties somewhere around my house... However, I'm not entirely sure of the color I want to paint the frame. Any suggestions??

image found via google images
We have an old bookshelf from when Chris was in college that is quickly becoming the gathering ground for baby girl's belongings. But I'm wanting to give it a boost from it's boring self to a brightly colored lovely that when baby girl grows big she can store her books and treasures. Again, not sure of the color, so suggestions are appreciated! :)

image found via google images
I love love love these flower garlands made of tissue paper. Jeni's ice cream has some super pretty ones that look something like this. I may, however, have to wait until baby girl has her own room. Her corner in our bedroom is getting a little crowded! :)
Chris and I's bedroom has very little light. It gets a ton of sunlight during the day, but unfortunately I'm not there to enjoy it. I'm thinking this idea by Rachel would be super fun for over our bed!!
...And now I'm ready to go home for the weekend and start my projects! Have a fantastic day!
I love that shelf re-fashion!