
Friday Highs.v37

It's funny how taking a blogging break somehow makes me feel like I need to explain where I've been. If you need a little bit of insight, you can read this. It's really been a whole lot more than that...maybe I'll share at a later date.

But since I know a few have missed this, onto my favorite feature. :)


My ultimate high: Molly picking her toes.


Date night with my man. 


Homemade cinnamon rolls on Saturday morning. 
Recipe here. Suggested by this lovely lady.


Feeling teeny tiny baby flutters and kicks.

My almost 16 week belly.
And yes, boxes everywhere.


Not necessarily a high per-say, but lastly, if you're the praying type, please pretty please say a prayer for us. We have exactly one week and one day before we need to be out of our apartment, and as of right now, we don't know where we're going. It's slightly unnerving, but I know that God has us in His hands and will guide and direct our steps. 

My life as of late: tearing apart our house and putting it all in boxes. :)


  1. yes... It's funny about explanations. I'm the same way. So silly. But it feels necessary, like you're late to a coffee date or something

  2. Glad to see you back, and those cinnamon rolls look yummy!!! Will certainly say a prayer or two for you.

  3. Hi Sugar! I'm a newish visitor from The Bump (also a Jan Mama). You look lovely.

    I wish you luck on finding an apartment. I love your posts and your darling Molly. :-)
