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This morning my thoughts are stirring. Stirring over Hope. 

I think there's a huge misconception in society that all hope is wishful thinking. How sad! Hope is such a bigger concept, it's difficult to put words to.

I don't talk about this on my blog very much--or really at all--but here I go. 
Back in 2009, my parents were going through a divorce, and all hope seemed lost. (I actually got a tattoo during this difficult time.) Many of us were wanting reconciliation, but it just didn't happen. So in December of 2009, I became a child of divorced parents. Never had I ever in a million years thought that would be me. 

Here's the thing: Hope is not based on circumstances. Neither is Joy. Wishful thinking says I want my parents to get back together. Hope says even if they don't, I will still follow Him and look to eternity. 

Hope and Joy override circumstances and say even when life is crappy and nothing goes my way, I will choose to give it to my Savior.

Hope is an anchor for the soul--firm and secure. (here)

This life here on earth is a crazy thing. 
It can be so beautiful and wonderful, filled with happiness and laughter, natural highs and good friendships. But it can also totally and completely suck. People get sick, people die, lose their jobs, say hurtful things, and the list goes on.

But this life on earth is but a fraction in all of eternity. Our hope must rest in the belief that because of Jesus, we can spend that eternity with him in a place called heaven. 

Don't get me wrong, I want to soak up all of life's goodness and loveliness, but I want my gaze to lie ahead. My hope is in Him. And so is my future.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these words of truth, Amy! Such a good reminder.
