
Project 31: Day 17

Day 17. Write about 3 things that make you happy.

image found via weheartit.com

Coffee - I’ve wrote before about my love/hate relationship with coffee, but I’m telling you….it is a joy for me. It’s a comfort. It makes me smile. My favorite coffee drinking days are Saturday mornings when I can enjoy it in a pretty mugs. I <3 coffee mugs.

image found via weheartit.com - sewing and coffee together...gasp!

Crafting – for me, crafting entails mainly sewing and crocheting. But really I enjoy just about anything that involves the processs of taking something old and unappealing and transforming it into something beautiful.

Chris – Three C’s, I know. I’m so cheesy. But seriously, I know there are times where maybe we take each other for granted, or times where we might slightly annoy each other, but the guy really just makes me happy. I am so blessed to be able to live life with him.



  1. baby girl better have a C name so that you can make the 3 favorite C's the 4 favorite C's ;-)

  2. haha, good point! how about C for child? none of the names in the running start with a C :)

  3. oh good clue...can now eliminate all c names.
