
Super Mom

I am so NOT super mom.

Just a few things to entertain your thoughts...

  • The hair on my legs can no longer be qualified as stubble. yikes.
  • My pony tail hasn't even been redone from sleeping in it last night.
  • There are burp cloths (which I prefer to call "milk rags") and blankets and bra pads all over my house.
  • The laundry from like, four days ago is still sitting on my washer.
  • I dropped some banana bread batter on the floor this morning, and totally forgot about it until I heard Zoe licking it up.
  • I still have paperwork from the hospital that I haven't put away/filed.
  • Pretty sure there are a few bills on the counter from before she was born that still haven't been paid. oh my goodness.
  • I am getting pretty darn good at rocking this no makeup look.

BUT! Things I know...

  • Molly is peacefully sleeping.
  • Her diaper is clean and her belly is full.
  • Zoe was let out to go potty this morning.
  • Dinner is cooking in the crockpot and will be ready when Chris comes home tonight.
  • My love for coffee has skyrocketed since this little one has been born.
  • The Lord is speaking to my heart. I want to share in another post at another time.
That is all for now. I know that things are still new....Molly is only four weeks old (today!) and I've technically only been by myself (without Mom...I miss you!!) for two weeks, but this is like a whole new ballgame to learn. Please don't read this the wrong way...I love being a mommy and Molly is an amazing baby. It is just very different. More to come. I can see myself starting to ramble.... *grin*


  1. I love how real you are it is very refreshing. Lots of love!

  2. Wow this is so perfect! Amy you are doing so well with prioritizing and realizing what is important! You are doing exactly what that letter said! Way to go :o) I know the little things pile up to be overwhelming, but you are doing what matters most! And at that you aren't just doing it- but you are doing it well! btw- I love that picture of Molly! Seriously- anyone could clean you house, pay your bills, pick up banana bread off the floor...but ONLY YOU can be a mom to Molly and a wife to Chris. And you are doing a great job at those! Thanks for being so real :o)
