made from a chipotle bag an sticks on the ground. (inspiration for 'joy' from starbucks 2009 christmas cups. i also made 'peace' and 'hope'.)
christmas in nine days.
made from a chipotle bag an sticks on the ground. (inspiration for 'joy' from starbucks 2009 christmas cups. i also made 'peace' and 'hope'.)
Here'a a sneak peek at some Christmas presents in the making. I love Christmas!
Sorry this isn't a real in-depth posting. Life's been crazy-busy. Chris and I are both still job searching, but God is still proving his faithfullness in so many ways.
things that are making me smile today
tomorrow is wedding day!
finally, a post!
a new home
Moving always sucks. It’s stressful and crazy busy, and it always seems that something has to go wrong. None of this was any different for our move this past weekend. But we made it! It’s all in the past, and we’re in the process of settling into our new home in Ohio. Yah! I’ve already noticed how much cooler it is, especially in the morning. I forgot how in high school, I’d leave in the morning needing a jacket, but walk home in the afternoon stripped as much as I could modestly be. But, sacrifices, right?
I need a planner. In Nashville, we didn’t socialize much. Nothing was really on our schedule but an occasional doctor appointment or euchre night with Jimmy and Lisa. But being back in Ohio, our schedule is already filling, and fast! I need to go buy a planner! Woo hoo! J And wouldn’t you figure, I saw one at Starbucks yesterday for September 2009- December 2010. Perfect, right?
Goodbye, Granny White Pike

.granny white pike, 1935.
Two more days of driving this beauty. Wednesday marks my last day of my first job out of college. I made it just over a year…pretty good, right? My goodbye to this road is bittersweet. Ever so sweet as it marks the end this job; bitter as this is my most favorite road in Nashville…the most beautiful, serene, peaceful drive I commonly make.
Considering the situation, I'd have to say that the sweet far outweighs the bitter, so Wednesday I'll be soaking in the beauty, but rejoicing all the way. *grin*
Wonders of the Weekend
kylee marries paul
it was six eleven
rain and deserts
just a week in mid-July
my princess
weekend projects
five things
last night was fun. mother in law, brother in law, girlfriend of brother in law (lisa), husband and I all gathered at our humble abode for icecream cake (with whipped cream a n d ice cream, wow, i know) and some friendly euchre. lisa and i found out we have matching glasses, and jimmy's car wouldn't start because it was out of was a fun night!! *grin*
i found this on another site and thought it'd be fun, ok, well at least by my definition of fun. so here's my five things:
5 things under $5.00 that I couldn't live without:
*Starbucks Caramel Macchiato
*Coffee creamer
*a little more than $5, but Broadway nails, for sure.
*my thrift store finds
5 favorite movies:
*The Guardian
*How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
*Lord of the Rings trilogy
*X-Men – Wolverine and all three…these are my new faves!
5 favorite baby names I love:
5 songs I love:
*Brooke Fraser - Shadowfeet
*Before the Throne- don’t even know who sings it
*Colbie Caillat - Older
*James Morrison – Wonderful World
*Mark Schultz – He Will Carry Me
5 positive influences:
*my husband
*my family
*Kara Joy
*my worship music
*coffee shops
5 life changing moments:
*when I asked Jesus to come into my heart when I was 4
*moment slash time frame: when I started going to Marysville church.
*summer in between Junior and Senior year of college
*my wedding day, June 14th, 2008
*November 2nd, 2008
5 current obsessions:
*my new puppy, zoe
*blogging *grin*
*thinking of décor ideas for our new apartment
*packing/thinking of how we can downsize.
*is it too cliché if I say Jesus?
5 places I want to go:
*Some place with a turquoise ocean
*A super nice, tropical resort (probably includes the ocean from above)
*Europe- Italy, France again, Ireland…
*San Deigo- been once before, want to take Chris!
*Ohio...OH – IO!
5 appliances or kitchen tools I could not live without:
*blow dryer
*brita water filter
*coffee maker, for sure
*kitchen knives
*does the computer count as an appliance?
my body is crying, my heart is rejoicing.
I’ve been reading a lot of other people’s blogs lately. And I’ve come to find something. I really like pictures. I like words a lot too, and have been incredibly blessed by many bloggers. But there’s just something about pictures! So I thought as I went to write today, that I would provide some interesting pictures for you to view. *grin*
Meet water bottle.