last night was fun. mother in law, brother in law, girlfriend of brother in law (lisa), husband and I all gathered at our humble abode for icecream cake (with whipped cream a n d ice cream, wow, i know) and some friendly euchre. lisa and i found out we have matching glasses, and jimmy's car wouldn't start because it was out of was a fun night!! *grin*
i found this on another site and thought it'd be fun, ok, well at least by my definition of fun. so here's my five things:
5 things under $5.00 that I couldn't live without:
*Starbucks Caramel Macchiato
*Coffee creamer
*a little more than $5, but Broadway nails, for sure.
*my thrift store finds
5 favorite movies:
*The Guardian
*How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
*Lord of the Rings trilogy
*X-Men – Wolverine and all three…these are my new faves!
5 favorite baby names I love:
5 songs I love:
*Brooke Fraser - Shadowfeet
*Before the Throne- don’t even know who sings it
*Colbie Caillat - Older
*James Morrison – Wonderful World
*Mark Schultz – He Will Carry Me
5 positive influences:
*my husband
*my family
*Kara Joy
*my worship music
*coffee shops
5 life changing moments:
*when I asked Jesus to come into my heart when I was 4
*moment slash time frame: when I started going to Marysville church.
*summer in between Junior and Senior year of college
*my wedding day, June 14th, 2008
*November 2nd, 2008
5 current obsessions:
*my new puppy, zoe
*blogging *grin*
*thinking of décor ideas for our new apartment
*packing/thinking of how we can downsize.
*is it too cliché if I say Jesus?
5 places I want to go:
*Some place with a turquoise ocean
*A super nice, tropical resort (probably includes the ocean from above)
*Europe- Italy, France again, Ireland…
*San Deigo- been once before, want to take Chris!
*Ohio...OH – IO!
5 appliances or kitchen tools I could not live without:
*blow dryer
*brita water filter
*coffee maker, for sure
*kitchen knives
*does the computer count as an appliance?
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