I've been asked a lot recently how I like using cloth diapers on Molly, so I thought I'd share a little here on the old blog.
I like them more now than when I first started using them. There is definitely a learning curve, especially for those who have only ever changed a disposable (which was me). I've pretty much got everything down pat now, though, so it's safe to say right now that I am very happy with them.
Here's a breakdown of my system:

1- The diapers. I have two dozen orange edged GMD prefolds. I also have one dozen yellow edge that I haven't needed to start using yet. (Molly has super tiny hips.) I use the jelly roll fold (other folds) with a snappi. (Cloth diaper lingo is so fun, right?)
2- Wetbags. These are used for on-the-go. Lined with PUL and closed with a zipper. Just throw in the dirty dipe, then toss in the pail when you get home. So easy. I have two. One my mom got me so I'm not sure where it's from. The other is a medium size from PlanetWise.
3- Wipes. Yes, I use reusable wipes as well. I actually made all these myself (I have about 3 dozen) using old flannel. I just use the peri bottle I got from the hospital, fill it with water, and squirt a little on the wipe before wiping the bum. Super easy!
4- Pail Liner. I have a medium sized trash can (with a lid) and this pail liner fits right inside. On washing day, I just carry the bag into the laundry room and shake everything into the washing machine. So quick and so easy. And not gross at all, because I'm never actually touching the diapers!
Oh, and I can't forget....with prefolds you have to use a cover. I use the Thirsties Duo Wraps,which are great because you don't have to wash after each change unless there's poo on the cover. And they're bright, fun colors, which is an added bonus!
When Molly grows out of these, I have the Flip system waiting, which honestly should be a little easier. (no more folding, no more snappi-ing) My cousin uses these and loves them, so I have high hopes.
So why do I cloth diaper, you ask? It shouldn't be a surprise to you that I love how green it is. Reusable = less that I'm contributing to a landfill. But I won't lie, my main motivator is how much money it saves. Me staying at home with Molly means that we have to be choosy where we spend our money. Best part is, these diapers can be used for the next kid too (whenever that may be), so the savings will double. Woohoo!
Well, I could probably talk about this a lot more, but I'll spare you. Unless of course you have any questions. Please let me know if you do! I'd be happy to answer!
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