But honestly, this last Christmas season was pretty stressful for me, and I don’t really want to repeat that, especially with a new baby! So I’ve set a goal. I know it’s high. I honestly have no idea if I’ll reach it. But I’m surely going to strive for it.
So how am I doing this? What steps am I taking?
I am crocheting. A lot. I love crocheting because it’s one of those crafts you can take anywhere, pick up and do a couple of stitches and then put it down. I’ve even crocheted at stop lights. Eek! I’m not quite that desperate right now, but I am taking advantage of my lunch breaks at work. So, many gifts this year will be made of yarn!
yarn pretties to feast your eyes upon: (not mine; images found via google search)

A friend and I have decided to have monthly craft days where we get together and work on Christmas presents for a Saturday. I’m hoping to save some of my bigger projects for these days. I’m really excited about this and am hopeful that it can become somewhat of a tradition! :)
Basically I’m just trying to really think ahead. Planning and doing is pretty important here. So who knows what’ll happen, but I sure can try. Anyone think I’m nuts??!?!
i wanna come on saturdays! i'm right with you friend, i was trying to think on a christmas gift i could make today, but i just can't make myself do anything cuz i'm sooo tired.