I read a quote recently that said something like this...
What if instead of coming to the Lord with our rambling list of concerns we came to Him with a long list of what we're thankful for?
That is definitely my paraphrase, but it really hit me hard this morning.
Molly has been having a few rough nights of sleep, and last night was definitely trying (compared to my easy newborn that we were so very blessed with!)
At one point this morning as I was grumbling and complaining about not getting enough sleep, my heart felt convicted to instead be thankful. And what a difference that made in my attitude.
And what perfect timing this is:
Stephanie is declaring a month of Thanksgiving, and I think I'm going to join her.
my thoughts this morning...
Thank you, Lord, for my precious baby girl.
Thank you for her health and development.
Thank you for a warm, cozy place that I call my home.
oh, and thank you for COFFEE.
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