Disclaimer: this post is long.
And to be honest, this post is more so for me so that I don't forget it...Our first date after baby.
Dinner: J. Alexanders--a favorite.
We first went to this place in Nashville, then discovered one in Columbus when we moved back. We ate here the night after our first ultrasound to celebrate that we were having a baby, then the night of our second ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl.

We both ordered cherry sprite to drink.
The beginning of the date was a little rough, I won't lie. I was constantly thinking about Molly, worried that she was going to be fussy for Kevin and Chelsie.
Bless my dear friend's heart--she sent me a text not 10 minutes after we'd sat down that said Molly had fallen asleep and didn't fuss one bit.
My heart immediately settled.
Onto appetizers. Our favorite--chicken fingers and fries. What makes this for me is the honey mustard sauce. It is completely out of this world.

SO delicious!
One of my favorite conversations was about conversations.
Chris asked me if I ever thought back to high school and what we ever talked about on our dates. I said no, but sometimes I think of what we'll talk about on our dates in 30 years. We talked about how we want our minds to constantly be sharpened and always learning new things. Plus, we'll have grandbabies (God-willing)!
So I pretend:
"I talked to the grandkids today..."
And he replies....
"Yeah? How's....Zolton doing?
Yep. His best attempt at thinking up a futuristic name.
I love this man.

bad picture, I know. It was so dark!
The whole night as we laughed, joked, and talked about funny youtube videos, I couldn't help but remember back to my journal before I even knew Chris.
I made a list of qualities I wanted in my future guy, and know what made the list?
I got that for sure. My man knows how to make me laugh.
I hope that continues for the rest of our life.
So back to our date.
After stuffing ourselves completely (Oh, main course: he got ribs, I got filet kabobs), we drove around a bit, then got ice cream (him) and coffee (me).
Next stop: Target. Our mission was to find some glasses to try on. We both want to order new ones off this website, but we want to know what styles look good on us.
Big time fail: Target basically had ONE style of reading glasses. Darn.
So we walked around a bit more. Just taking our time.
Knowing our babe was peacefully resting and in good hands.
As much as I enjoyed our time,
I couldn't help but constantly think about her.
Looking in the baby clothes---does she need this outfit?
Browsing the kids toys--does Molly girl want a new toy?
I finally settled on a book.
A little book about a tiny bird and it's mother.
Quite fitting, if you ask me.

I'm not going to lie, at the beginning of this date, my initial thought was that I just wanted to get it over with. Get over the "first date after baby" and you can enjoy the next one.
But I can tell you that I honestly enjoyed myself. It was fabulous to reconnect with my husband and even though it felt strange not having Molly girl with us, it made coming back to her all the better. And thank you (again) to Kevin and Chelsie! I am so thankful for wonderful friends!!
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